Our version of the mixtape's Congratulations dives deeper into Vax's original bargain with the Raven Queen in the sunken tomb. OG CPan alumni Gini "Aki" Benson and Jon Paget take on the roles of the Raven Queen and Vax, respectively.

Artwork by Kit Harroun and Lorgnit, with backing track by Repepotapotomin and Will Crosswait, and lyrics by Aki themself!

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Vax'ildan… (Vex’ahlia )


Your sister's invented a new kind of stupid:

A touch before thinking it through kind of stupid,

A now she is dead, turning blue kind of stupid,

So, Vax, whatchu gonna do? ...kind of stupid.

Let's review: You chased a rumor a few, only two Sphinxes knew

And ran headlong to a crypt with a Beholder, Which you all luckily slew,

But her eyes were on coin alone

So she abandoned you.

So scared of what the Raven Queen might do with her,

But Greed's the only enemy she truly should have favored.

You'll give your life for hers no matter the cost?

I shouldn't dignify this hot shot with a response!

So, yeah. Congratulations.

You're left with this tragedy.

Congratulations. (Vex’ahlia )

(But perhaps you will take this sacrifice! ) Sacrifice?

(The Ward languished in peace in this deep dark cavern; )

(A Champion is what you've needed. )

(I don't know much about revering gods,)

(But my bargaining should be heeded. )

(It doesn't wipe the stain of her blame away,)

(But she's all that I have and I'm here to say: )

(I know what I need to do... )

(So I'm here for you. )

(I know my sister like I know my own mind. )

(You will never find anyone as fearless or as kind,)

(And if doing this will keep her here with me )

(I must try ) (I can't stand by) (Do you know why?)

You love your sister more than anything in this life.

You will lay down all you have on the line every time?

(Yes! I'd lay down all I have on the line every time. )

(Vex'ahlia was a light through all our strife- )

So never lose sight of the fact that I bargained with you for her life!

Congratulations. For the rest of your life

Every sacrifice you make will be for my sake.

I grant your Vex life.
